• Niestandardowa złota szpilka z miękkiej emalii

    Soft enamel pins have several advantages over other types of pins. Firstly, they are more affordable and accessible than hard enamel or cloisonné pins. Soft enamel pins are made by stamping a design into metal and then filling the recessed areas with enamel. This process allows for more vibrant colors, deeper grooves, and raised lines, creating a three-dimensional effect. Soft enamel pins are also lighter in weight, making them more comfortable to wear on clothing or accessories. Additionally, the soft enamel pin's textured surface provides a unique and tactile feel. Finally, soft enamel pins can be made in smaller quantities, making them ideal for smaller businesses or personal use. Overall, soft enamel pins offer a cost-effective, vibrant, and versatile way to create custom pins. Wyposażenie: 6 odlewów ciśnieniowych Maksymalny sprzęt do odlewania ciśnieniowego: 260T Maksymalny rozmiar: średnica 500 mm Wydajność miesięczna: 1 500 000 szt 11 maszyn do kolorowania 10 maszyn do tkania wstążek, 6 drukarek taśmowych i 2 maszyny transferowe, miesięczna zdolność produkcyjna wynosi 5 milionów sztuk

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